Identifier HazCat Kit
Sku: HTI03007
Short description: Identifier HazCat kit procedures aim to identify the hazards rather than the substance(s). That way the critical information needed to complete risk assessment is provided quickly.
Product information
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The kit is self-contained and housed in the waterproof Peli-case with the built-in working surface for clean and convenient field work. Featured step-by-step field guide details the procedures which are quick and easy to perform.
Strip tests and wet chemistry tests provide the user with the critical information on the unknown substances flammability, explosive behaviour, acid-base properties, aggressive/ corrosive behavior, reactivity with water, oxidizer properties, potential toxicity, relative solubility and density. The kit also enables quick and simple detection of 5 most frequently encountered toxic industrial gasses and radiation hazard.
The reagents, test strips and utensils are supplied in sufficient quantities to last for a relatively large number of tests. A
resupply kit is available as a separate order.
Raman Compatible
Raman technology is usually the first choice for the responders on the field. However, this technology has its limits, notably when dealing with the thermally sensitive, complex, black and brightly coloured materials. The Identifier HazCat kit allows for rapid assessment of thermal hazard of the materials and characterisation of the samples not amenable to the Raman.